Heavy Day - 04AUG20

Monday, August 3, 2020 - 19:00

CrossFit Algiers - CrossFit


Heavy Day - 04AUG20 (Weight)


10 Sets:

Every 2:00:

3 Front Squats

*Try to use at least 70% across all sets
Level 2:

10 Sets:

Every 2:00:

3 Front Squats

Level 1:

10 Sets:

Every 2:00:

5 Front Squats

*Use a weight that feels moderate and smooth.

Accessory & Stretching

Metcon (No Measure)


8 Rounds:

:20 Max Squats with Empty Barbell

:10 Rest


3-5 Sets:

:30 Alternating Front Rack Position Stretching

10 Slow Wall Squat Reps to Medicine Ball

:30 Couch Stretch / Leg

Extra Work

Extra Work - Week of 03AUG20 (No Measure)

Midline 1: Wednesday

3 Sets:

20 Plank Position DB Row

20 Slow Sit-ups*

*:03 up and :03 down.

Midline 2: Monday

2 Sets:

150' Sandbag Bearhug Carry (150/100#)

20 Banded Side Steps (Right)

20 Banded Side Steps (Left)

40 Banded March in-Place

Skill 1: Tuesday

For Time:


Push Press (185/125#)

Ring Rows (Make them challenging)

*Adjust weights as needed

Skill 2: Saturday


300' Handstand Walk

*As Few Sets as Possible


Max distance/practice in 7:00